
Issue #64

Aug 16, 2020

Dear friends,

Welcome to the mid-August issue of the Sunday Briefing. 

We're proud to announce the latest in our string of new webinars. a new webinar series on Why and What If - Causal Inference For Everyone. This new course will continue the exploration of Causal Inference that we've been working through on the blog while diving a bit deeper in some aspects with practical examples and highlighting connections to the broader field of Machine Learning. If you're interested can already sign up for the first edition occurring on Oct 16.

The latest post on our Causal Inference journey is now out and it dives into Chapter 2 with a look at Chains and Forks, two common motifs in Graphical models and explores their consequences. As always you can find all the code in the Causality GitHub or run it directly in the cloud with Binder.  The latest post in the Epidemiology looks at Network Structure, Super-Spreaders and Contact Tracing.  As always, all the code is available in our Epidemiology101 GitHub repository. You can also run the code directly in the cloud with Binder. We hope you find our blog posts useful and continue look forward to your insightful comments. 

We continue our partnership with the wonderful people over at Data Umbrella and highlight two of their upcoming online events: Building a Conversational Bot for WhatsApp w/Twilio & Python on Aug 18 and Create Nimble Data Collection + Reporting Processes on Aug 25. Don't miss them! 

In our regularly scheduled content, we have an Intro to Autoencoders and a quick overview of some of the properties of causal graphs and the fundamental ideas behind Entropy.

On the academic front, we have a Review of Algorithms and Applications of Random Walks, and Surveys on Big Networks and Knowledge integration techniques with Artificial Neural Networks for seq-2-seq/time series models.

Finally, the video of the week, Brandon Foltz provides us with a visual introduction to ANOVA an extremely useful statistical technique that is commonly overlooked by Data Science practitioners.

Data shows that the best way for a newsletter to grow is by word of mouth, so if you think one of your friends or colleagues would enjoy this newsletter, just go ahead and forward this email to them and help us spread the word!

Semper discentes,

The D4S team


The latest post in the Causality series covers section 2.2 Chains and Forks, an introduction to some of the most common motifs of graphical models. The code for each blog post in this series is hosted by a dedicated GitHub repository for this project:

Our latest blog post in the CoVID-19 series, 'Epidemic Modeling 201: Network Structure, Super-Spreaders and Contact Tracing' takes a look at the impact that our social network structure can have on epidemic spreading. As usual, all the code is available in GitHub:

Blog Posts:

Epidemic Modeling:

Top Links:

Tutorials and blog posts that came across our desk this week.
  1. Computational Causal Inference at Netflix []
  2. Intro to Autoencoders []
  3. Use causal graphs! []
  4. ANOVA explained without math: Why analyze variances to compare means? []
  5. A Practical Guide to Maintaining Machine Learning in Production []
  6. How To Use the Python Map Function []
  7. Entropy Explained, With Sheep []

Fresh off the press:

Some of the most interesting academic papers published recently.

Video of the week:

Interesting discussions, ideas or tutorials that came across our desk.

Statistics 101: ANOVA, A Visual Introduction
All the videos of the week are now available in our Youtube playlist. Subscribe today and follow us on YouTube.

Upcoming Events:

Opportunities to learn from us:
  1. Aug 21, 2020 - Probability Theory for Everyone [Register]  
  2. Sept 3, 2020Transforming Excel Analysis into Python and pandas Data Models [Register]
  3. Sept 16, 2020Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Everyone [Register
  4. Oct 7, 2020Graphs and Network Algorithms for Everyone [Register] 🆕
  5. Oct 16, 2020Why and What If – Causal Analysis for Everyone [Register] 🆕
Partner events:
  1. Aug 18, 2020 - Building a Conversational Bot for WhatsApp w/Twilio & Python
  2. Aug 25, 2020Create Nimble Data Collection + Reporting Processes
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Publishes on Sunday.
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